A few quick words

My baby is 3 days old.  We move in 2 days.  Things are…busy.

Bill left me and the girls and the baby on Sunday afternoon.  George was about 9 hours old.  They delivered our stuff on Monday morning and unpacked the kitchen boxes after lunch.  Bill took care of any essential tasks and located a few things that had been accidentally or thoughtlessly taken down – the camelback Fritz needs for Philmont and a cooler for whatever food we think we can avoid throwing away – and returned home before midnight.  I know he loves me.  He’s a good man.

People have been jumping through hoops for us to get us the appointments we need so we don’t have to stay here past Friday.  I do appreciate it, even though it may seem I have an attitude of but, of course.

Before amnesia fully sets in, I have to state, for the record, that natural childbirth is TOTALLY OVERRATED.  I’ll be singing a different tune in a year, but for now, I tell you, drugs, even epidurals, are wonderful, wonderful things.  And no, I did not have any. 

Driving home from the pediatrician yesterday, Bill mentioned we’d not be here for any more Sunday Masses.  I started crying.  Moving and saying goodbye plus baby blues is a really bad combination.

I’ll blog more when I can.  Here are two pictures taken right after I got home.  George is about 7 hours old.  He is gorgeous.  Mama and Dad are exhausted.  Older siblings are thrilled.

21 thoughts on “A few quick words

  1. I wish, I wish I could help you. I'm glad you have others to help. Even just a little.

    That is a gorgeous, happy family. The kids look over the moon. God bless you on this next journey. I hope you get some rest.

  2. Well. New babies are stressful. Moving is stressful. Both at the same time is insane! Praying for you all and that beautiful little boy!

  3. Awww! He's beautiful! Prayers that the rest of your move goes smoothly so you can be enjoying your babymoon soon.

  4. Hang in there, you are almost there and soon you'll be settled in.

    I always cry at a last Mass at a parish. It has served has “home” for me, and I remember all the sacraments our family has received there. I get too attached.

    I love the photo of you and the baby, absolutely love it. He is a beauty!

  5. i can't imagine trying to do a new baby and a move at the same time – SOOOoooo many purgatory points, so many! 🙂

    prayers for this babymoon to start soon!

  6. i can't imagine trying to do a new baby and a move at the same time – SOOOoooo many purgatory points, so many! 🙂

    prayers for this babymoon to start soon!

  7. Look at all those proud big siblings!! Your baby is beautiful and I so wish I could do more from here than just pray that you get to have some rest and enjoy that baby–and your big kids!

  8. I have been haunting the blog, waiting for these pictures, Michelle!
    What a hunk he is! Love that photo of the two of you.
    God bless you all; safe settling in.

  9. Congrats! So glad he is here, happy and healthy!

  10. He's beautiful! Congrats to whole family. Have been praying and will keep praying from far off northern Nova Scotia, esp. for more energy for you. Sleep when you can, even if it's every 5 min. intervals, drink lots, (water that is)…, and don't sweat the small stuff. Enjoy sweet baby, each day brings you closer to things getting back on track. God Bless! Let us know when you're having a bad day, and we'll double our prayers for you!!

  11. I've not done a baby and a move–I cannot imagine. I have done a new baby and law school finals and also a new baby and law school midterms. But really, new baby + anything is stressful. So glad it all worked out in the nick of time.

  12. He's precious, you're beautiful even in your tiredness, and that family picture with Bill and all the kids is totally wonderful! Sure wish I was closer to help. I know things will start looking up once you are actually moved and settled into your new house. Hang in there – you're a rock star in SO many ways!!!

  13. Hmmm, the oldest looks especially excited. Glad for another brother? Y'all are beautiful.

  14. I am so excited for you and your family, Michelle! You have a BEAUTIFUL family! What blessings they all are! Prayers for peace in the chaos!

  15. Had to come back and look at that precious little guy again 🙂 He looks like big brother Billy to me. Stepping up the prayers for your moving day…please tell me you don't have to drive!

  16. I'm in the middle of my move also, and I can't imagine doing all this just after labor and delivery! You're a super hero!! Blessings to all of you!

  17. CONGRATULATIONS!!! He's soo cute. 🙂 And so loved. 🙂 Prayers for all the craziness to be blessed. Take it as easy as you can. I'll have to update Fr. VW on the latest!

  18. Beautiful, just beautiful! Prayers.

  19. Congratulations on the handsome new addition!

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